Hellas Marine Services Policies:----A company committed to providing services to the clients.--A company committed to providing healthy and safe working environment for our crew and office personnel.--A company fully compliant with ISM code and all local, national and international rules and regulations.--A company committed to training and development of our systems and skills of the crew and the people ashore.--A company recognizing the vital importance of environmental protection and safety on board.--A company that pays constant attention to ethics and business morals in all its operations.----Aim----Upgrading the systems, the vessels and the people to provide efficient management.----Vision----Cost effective and efficient ship management.--Hellas Marine Services Ltd along with associated partners provides a range of marine related services, maintaining a standard of ship management tailored to the principals requirements, while keeping operating expenses and costs at low budget boundaries.--Administration----Ship Accounting--Cost Control--Crew Wage Management----Technical----Full Technical Management--Daily operation monitoring of the ships--Full budget control (office/ship)--Drydocking and repairs planning and attendance--Monitoring of Classification surveys and certificates--Highest ships maintenance standards--Worldwide trading--All cargoes suitability--Technical Consultancy--Project Management--Marine, Cargo & Vessel Surveys--Purchasing / Supply Management--Safety & Quality Management - ISM--Security managment - ISPS----Human Resources----Crew Management--Selection & Recruitment--Performance Appraisal--STCW 95 - Certification & Contracts--Marine Travel Services & Booking--Riding squad----Commercial----Sale & Purchases Inspections--Bunkers Service /Surveys--Insurance and Claim Handling
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Hellas Marine Services Limited
Hellas Marine Services Policies:----A company committed[
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