Hidayah Mitra Sejahtera, PT

Hidayah Mitra Sejahtera, PT
Company details

PT. Hidayah Makmur Sejahtera establishment is dedicated in providing manpower services of competitive engineers and highly skilled technicians for Oil and Gas Industry.
We are connecting human potential to the power of business

PT. Hidayah Makmur Sejahtera aspires to be one of the top performers among the Manpower Management Companies in the Offshore Industry by deploying the best and qualified talents. HMS endeavors in giving a matter of fundamental corporate policy, a balanced employment benefit

Both of clients and talents satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We will strive to provide competent, dedicated and reliable manpower who are professionally-driven and can make a difference in the quest to achieve their company's goal. In return, we shall endeavor to encourage our clients to provide a professionally rewarding environment that recognizes merits, loyalty and dedication. We will do our best to look after the welfare of the talents we deploy to make their employment a rewarding experience.

Website Address
Phone Number
021-21381359 / 30029721
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 14 Utan Kayu Utara., Matraman, Jakarta Timur