HK Maritime Co

HK Maritime Co
Crew Manager HK Maritime Management & Survey Co. HK Mar[…]
Company details

Crew Manager HK Maritime Management & Survey Co. HK Maritime Co. is an advanced provider of Crew Management- Manning service based in Istanbul and will be open Greece Office at soon under the name " HK Maritime Co. Olympia Office in Greece " We work with companies to provide the best marine professionals for their ships.--We work with seafarers & contractors to give them the best possibilities for building up their career. HK Maritime Crew Management is an accessible recruitment service provider that offers convenient high quality service to its clients, while maintaining high attention to skills, qualification and high working standards of the professionals recruited. We are focusing on providing the best marine personnel for a range of clients mostly in Dry Bulkers and Tanker & Chemicals & Oil Industry.

Email Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
+90 216 706 10 35
Mobile Number
Malte Business Center 807 / Maltepe