Internaut Shipping GmbH

Internaut Shipping GmbH
Since the Company was created in 1988, INTERNAUT SHIPPI[…]
Company details

Since the Company was created in 1988, INTERNAUT SHIPPING GmbH had a strong focus on the trade with North Africa, mainly with Algeria. A large number of shipments with steel products, milkpowder, clay and constructions have been carried by INTERNAUT SHIPPING GmbH controled ships.----The good relationship with shippers and receivers as well as a reliable port agency structure made it inevitable to increase the cargo volume during the years. Due to the increasing demand and the necessity to become independend from market fluctuations INTERNAUT SHIPPING GmbH decided to become a Ship-Owner. Branch offices have been opened in Cyprus.----The today‘s fleet is trading mainly within Northern Europe – Mediterranean and Black Sea, West Africa and Trans-Atlantic areas with all kind of cargoes and a considerable amount of agricultural products and grains to Algeria.

Phone Number
+49-421-33 89 90
Mobile Number
Stavendamm 4 a D-28195 Bremen (Germany)