Interorient Maritime Enterprises, Inc.

Interorient Maritime Enterprises, Inc.
Company details

INTERORIENT MARITIME ENTERPRISES, INC. is a Philippine Licensed Manning Agency, exclusively dealing with the Recruitment and Employment of Filipino Officers and Ratings aboard foreign owned sea-going vessels.----The company was founded in 1985 and since then has charted a steady, profound and reliable course within the international Shipping and Manning Industry by setting quality standards in its operations related to Crewing and Crew Management. Over the years, the spectrum of provided services has steadily expanded and broadened and we ceased to be a simple manning agency. In addition to the crew selection and preparations of deployment, we have established several In-house Trainings , which all our seamen are required to undergo prior employment, at no cost for them. Their knowledge, competence and capabilities are evaluated and defined through various oral and written tests given by our Trainors and we look to effectively maintain in place our CAP (Continuous Assessment Program).----The Company is fully organized in meeting the 21st century challenges in shipping and is among those few Manning Agencies which have been selected and awarded by the Philippines Government with the Award of Excellence, while since 1989 has been continuously and consistently recognized and honoured for the high standards of its services. Based on Company's performance and clean track of records, we were entrusted by POEA to run an In-house Contract Processing System, wherein all crew employment contracts are issued, signed and stamped with Government's stamp by Interorient and is not required this procedure to be carried out by the POEA Processing Center.----The entire shipping community has witnessed the tremendous changes which have taken place over the past few years. Interorient Maritime was always among the first to adopt and implement all the changes and new regulations imposed by the IMO and the various Flag State Administrations regarding seamen's Qualifications, Trainings, Licenses and Certifications and we have always assisted and guided our Principals on all issues step-by-step. We are proud to say that we had never had even a single incident wherein a seaman had joined without being properly and sufficiently certificated in accordance to ship's flag requirements.----The Company is currently managing the crewing of more than (200) vessels, of all types and sizes (Bulkers, Tankers, Containers, RoRo's, LPG's), while approximately (65) vessels are under full Filipino crew, including Masters and Chief Engineers.----We have approximately 3,200 seamen serving on board these vessels and a pool of more than 4,000 qualified, trained and fully certificated seamen are on vacation ready for employment. It is worthy be noted that Our Seamen, currently serving on board, are of more than 92% ex-Interorient crew, almost the highest percentage in the manning market, which means:--Crew Loyalty, Quality, Efficiency, Dedication--The remaining 8% are either qualified Officers from other sources who have been employed for first time by us or new graduates who fill the positions of Apprentices and Trainees.----We have a team of (60) Qualified Staff, occupying Managerial, Executive and Support level sections. Most of them count more than (15) years of continuous service with the Company, steadily implementing our ambitious goals !----This gives to our Principals the unique advantage of calling on specialized personnel for receiving prompt and efficient response on all their queries.----Our Principals are kept regularly informed on their ex-crew availability and status of employment and they are constantly informed on all developments related to manning issues. Our concern is to ensure that their vessels are operated as smoothly and reliably as possible.

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Phone Number
6311226-27, 6312724
Suite 608 Ortigas Bldg., Ortigas Ave., Pasig City, Philippines P.O. Box 13167 Ortigas Center, Pasig City