Interorient Maritime Enterprises Incorporated

Interorient Maritime Enterprises Incorporated
Interorient is a fast growing global provider of marine[…]
Company details

Interorient is a fast growing global provider of marine transportation services. Headquartered in Cyprus, Interorient has offices in Hamburg, Manila, Riga and St. Petersburg and employs over 300 shore-based employees and over 3000 well-trained and experienced seafarers.----Interorient’s in-house managed fleet takes advantage of the many years of experience and expertise that the company’s management team has acquired in the global shipping industry. The company places great emphasis on sustainable crewing focusing on the education and training of its officers and ratings and the company’s own in-house training simulator has proved an invaluable tool.----Interorient is a founding member of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and has played a leading role in the emergence of Cyprus as a global shipping centre. Interorient is also a founding member of the Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Organisation (CYMEPA) as well as an active member of industry organisations such as BIMCO, Intertanko and Intercargo.----The company is certificated against the ISO standards for quality and environmental management.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+30 210 8986310
55 Kyprou Street, Glyfada, 166 74 Athens, Greece