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Jasindo Duta Segara is one of the biggest crew manning agencies in Indonesia. We offer complete crew management services to all types of vessels through our crew competence centre located in most of the seafaring nations across the globe. We also offer crew educations which reflect Principal’s request and ISM requirement. We aim to become “The Best Crew Manning Agency in the World” to fulfill Principal’s and crew’s expectations perfectly.
We aim to create value for Principals and crews with integrity, honesty and fair growth. We will let no call of Principal or crew left unanswered. Let no Principal serviced without commitment and let no crew fall short of his performance. We serve with dedication and commitment at all times.
POLICYWe aim to provide our Principals with the most qualified, disciplined and hardworking Indonesian crews. In order to provide properly qualified crews we ensure careful screening and selection procedures ahead of deployment. In addition we provide continuous education and training to meet the Principals’ desired levels of competence. Above all, we take responsibility of molding our crew to be corporate-minded and contribute his performance to company’s goal to success.
We also have the highest interest in crew satisfaction to maintain high retention rates and continuity of service for the customer fleet.
We aim to provide continuous teamwork with Principal and its crew to face globa competitive shipping industry today.
The people who manage and run the affairs of the company are made up of most experienced maritime experts. They are not only excelled in their own maritime field but also have undeniably contributed for our company to win a good reputation from principals and crews. The managers have pioneered in crew selection criteria, cadet training program and deployment process. Therefore, they have continuously produce most disciplined and high quality crew standard. They are also imbued with high moral principles to protect the interest of the company and continuously upgrade its standard operation aimed at ensuring long term business relationship with Principals.