JSC Belomortrans Ukhta

JSC Belomortrans Ukhta
Group of companies «Belomortrans» is a constellation of[…]
Company details

Group of companies «Belomortrans» is a constellation of forwarding companies which was founded in 1991 with foundation of CJSC «Belomortrans» in partnership with Northern Railway, Northern Shipping Company and Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial Port.-- -- Today in group of companies there are about 18 companies which are successfully working in Russian market of international and domestic transportations.-- -- During the time of its work the group has formed the unique team of qualified specialists; it’s accumulated the great experience which allows us to provide a great number of services.-- -- The company provides freight forwarding of different types of cargoes, from parcels of 1 kg by weight delivered from door to door to transportation of oversized cargoes up to 300 tons by weight to the far north. Sea container transportations via port Arkhangelsk, Saint-Petersburg and other ports of Russia, motor international and domestic transportations are a big part of our work.-- -- Besides freight forwarding company provides a wide range of related services, such as customs registration and cargo insurance, chartering and agency services, port and port services operations, ship chandler and surveyor services, cargo consolidation and storage services.-- -- In recent years our group has been actively involved in the logistics of activities of oil–and-gas industry enterprises which develop the areas of continental coast and shelf of Russian part of the Arctic regions.--Company history-- September, 23 1991 Foundation of joint Russian-German company «Belomortrans». There are 6 employees in the company. The head- general director Cherkasov Valery Ilyich.-- December, 21 1994 The company is renamed in LLC «Belomortrans»-- May, 27 1997 The company is reorganized in closed joint-stock company «Belomortrans».-- May, 14 1999 CJSC «Belomortrans» got the license of customs broker..-- November, 1 Nekrasov Igor Yuryevich is a new general director of the company. There are 14 employees now there.-- September 2001 The company celebrates 10 years of its activity.-- March, 28 2002 Foundation of CJSC «Belomortrans-Saint-Petersburg».-- April, 16 Foundation of CJSC «Belomortrans-Stolitsa»-- May Movement to a new own building in Arkhangelsk.-- December CJSC «Belomortrans» is an agent of «P&O Nedlloyd».-- February, 2 2003 Foundation of LLC «Belomortrans-Murman».-- September According to rating of Freight Forwarders Association of Russian Federation CJSC «Belomortrans» has 6th rank among Russian freight forwarding companies.-- February 2004 Our company got the 1st prize in tournament for the cup of JSC «Rosneft» in arena football.-- November, 11 Foundation of LLC «Belomortrans-Kotlas».-- May, 14 Foundation of LLC «Belomortrans-Nizhniy Novgorod».-- May, 18 Foundation of LLC «Cargo-Expert». The company provides services of tallyman account, surveying inspection and ship chandler.-- May,16 2005 The company becomes an agent of «CMA CGM».-- May, 31 Foundation of LLC «Belomortrans-Magnitogorsk».-- June, 31 Foundation of LLC «Belomortrans-NAO».-- February, 18 2006 Our company got the 1st prize in tournament for the cup of CJSC «Belomortrans» in arena football.-- May, 29 Foundation of LLC «Belomortrans-Samara».-- September The secretary of our company got the 1st prize in city competition of secretaries «Face of the company».-- June, 20 2007 The company has new general director – Sisin Mikhail Aleksandrovich. There are 98 employees now. The number of all the employees of group of companies is now more than 300 people.-- January, 1 2008 As a result of business reorganization the group of companies got a new structure. CJSC «Belomortrans» takes the lead in the activity in the Far North regions and in the sphere of project cargoes for oil and gas sector. LLC «Belomortrans-Logistic» with the head office in Moscow specializes in international freight forwarding, customs registration and provides services in international motor transportations. CJSC «BMT» with the head office in Moscow transports general and small cargoes.-- September 2008 LLC «Belomortrans-Logistic» began its work in Saint-Petersburg. The branch provides services in international freight forwarding and customs clearance.-- Company’s team-- -- The main wealth of the company is a united team of professionals.-- -- Managers of the company direct all the employees toward constant career growth, using the newest information technologies and latest achievements in logistics.-- -- Our employees regularly improve their professional level in Russian and international specialized seminars and courses, they exchange experiences with western colleagues.-- -- Managers of the company want the employees of CJSC «Belomortrans» to implement their intellectual and professional potential in full. We encourage innovative ideas and suggestions concerning the improvement of service standards. We know that only united team of highly-qualified professionals can be successful in conditions of tough competition of the international transportations and freight forwarding market. Outdoor sport competitions in summer and winter help to strengthen corporate spirit. High qualification, right motivation and well-coordinated work of our team allow to satisfy all the requirements of our clients.

Email Address
Phone Number
+7 (495) 514-02-55 (pref.1333); +7 (963) 555-77-99
Mobile Number
169310, Ukhta, First Industrial 2a