Khalid Faraj Shipping – KFS

We are one of the largest private sector Ship owners / […]
Company details

We are one of the largest private sector Ship owners / Ship Operators based in Abu Dhabi with the current fleet strength totaling fifty (50) Vessels mainly comprising of Landing Crafts, Tug Boats, Cargo Barges and Crew / Service Boats mainly trading in the Arab Gulf, Gulf of Oman and West coast of India widely engaged in the coastal transportation and Offshore Civil, Oil and Gas Project Support Services.--We do have a very long association with companies like Valentine Maritime (Gulf), National Petroleum Construction Co. (NPCC), Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., and Leighton Offshore Supporting their various pipe lay campaigns and Offshore Construction Support activities in the West coast of India, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and in the United Arab Emirates.

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Phone Number
+971 2 69 84 999; +971 2 666 33 95
Mobile Number
Khalid Faraj Shipping Zayed the First Street, P.O.Box. 995, Abu Dhabi