Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holdings Limited

Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holdings Limited
With 50 years of experience, Kim Heng Offshore & Marine[...]
Company details

With 50 years of experience, Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holdings Limited ("Kim Heng") and its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Group") is an established integrated offshore and marine value chain services provider. Strategically based in Singapore, the Group offers a one-stop comprehensive range of products and services that caters to different stages of offshore oil and gas projects from oil exploration to field development and oil production.--The Group's operations are primarily located in Singapore, with two shipyards strategically located at 9 Pandan Crescent and 48 Penjuru Road. The shipyards, with a combined waterfront of 205 metres, enable Kim Heng to carry out a multitude of services, including offshore rig repair, maintenance and refurbishment, fabrication, vessel newbuilding as well as painting and blasting works. As a one stop solutions provider, the Group has a fleet of quality cranes which consists of crawler cranes, lorry cranes and mobile cranes for both sale and rent. It also provides other services such as maintenance, trading and sale of heavy equipment.--Kim Heng has built its brand over the years and has established relationships with world renowned customers from over 25 countries in the regions of Southeast Asia, USA, Latin America, Australasia, Middle East and Europe.--OUR BUSINESS--OFFSHORE RIG SERVICES--Construction and fabrication works of sections or components of drilling rigs & drillships--Installation of offshore production modules and systems--Afloat repairs, maintenance and refurbishment of offshore rigs, platforms & vessels--Supply of offshore drilling and production equipment--Marine salvage and oil spill response--SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT--Provision of logistics, general shipping and crew management--Provision of offshore supply vessels and heavy-lift equipment--VESSEL SALES & NEWBUILD--Purchase and refurbishment of vessels for onselling--Newbuilding of vessels--HEAVY EQUIPMENT SALE AND RENTAL--Leasing, sale, maintenance, import and export of heavy equipment--Wide range of equipment and machineries including crawler, lorry and mobile cranes

Phone Number
+65 6777 9990
No. 48 Penjuru Road Singapore 609152