LLC NE Baltic Shipping Company

LLC NE Baltic Shipping Company
Company «BSC»-«Carrier» Ltd. was founded 17th of Septem[…]
Company details

Company «BSC»-«Carrier» Ltd. was founded 17th of September, 2003 in St. Petersburg. On 30 December 2014 the company was renamed in National Enterprise «Baltic Shipping Company» LLC.-- -- Company offers a wide range of services in the field of Marine Transport.-- -- We are All Crewing Manning Services Agency.-- -- All Type of Vessels, Offshore AHT&AHTS, all ranks and professions AB/Diver included.-- -- I became a seafarer in far 1969 and I had never felt regrets about my choice. Seafaring life had changed very much since that time and still keeps changing. There are many seafarers in Russian history since the time of Peter the Great. They served their Fatherland in Navy and Merchant Fleet and their names will never be forgotten. Today seafarers’ life is not easy since they have to overcome numerous bureaucratic obstacles and sometimes offending Officials with Fleet. Anyway we have already chosen the Seafarer’s life and our destiny is to serve Russian Fleet and Fatherland. I wish all of You good Luck and Calm Sea.

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2 Liter-D, Vidanvskaya street