PT.HASANUDDIN, is a company specially estabilished top [...]
Company details

PT.HASANUDDIN, is a company specially estabilished top serve the international industriy in the supply of ship's personnel. For this future, the company has designed it's operation with perfect and punctual services" to it's principals, it cooperation closely with all parties involve in the industry, special focus is directed to the education and training field in order to be able to supply the best qualified seaferers, although the company is considered young in the industry, at quickly reached a place as one of most responsible company supplying seafarers to international maritime industry. Many shipping companies operating international has been employing Indonesian seafarers since the early seventies and found them satisfactory. Not only are the found on board cargo vessel, tankers, fishing vessel, OBOs, Bulk etc but thousands of Indonesia ships personnel are found on board well know cruising companies operating luxury cruise vessels thought out the world. Being an internationally oriented recruiting agency, PT HASANUDDIN, branches it's activities also to cater for the supply of shore and offshore based workers with the same high standard of qualification

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Phone Number
+62 21 435 3418; +62 821 313 77 772
Mobile Number
Jl. STM Walang Jaya No.17 North jakarta , Indonesia 14260