Macor Marine Solutions GmbH und Co. KG

Macor Marine Solutions GmbH und Co. KG
From its first days in 1951, Macor was a front runner w[…]
Company details

From its first days in 1951, Macor was a front runner when it came to modern concepts and technology. --Today, our design engineers incorporate industry standards, not just 3D-CAD-Systems but a full integration into our ERP-System as well, to make the communication and data transfer with our customers and suppliers as easy and efficient as possible. --Since our design teams are constantly looking to improve the designs of our products, individual components as well as complete systems, our early involvement in your projects is highly recommended. --Then and now we are headquartered in Bremen, a city with a rich maritime history and an extensive network of suppliers in close proximity. In 2013 we were taken over by the German Heinrich Rönner Group. As part of this group we can now offer you access to an extensive network of high quality manufacturing and repair facilities. --But we're not limited to Germany: A world-wide network of licensed agents and authorized service centers is at your disposal 24/7.--SERVICE--24 hours / 7 days a week – around the world --After Sales Services--Maintenance--Spare Part Service--Status Surveys and Inspections--Repair Works of all Equipment--Complete Overhauls--Installation and Production Advisory Assistance--Consultancy, Design & Engineering --We are looking forward to support you in the most efficient and best possible way.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+49 421 3903 -0
Mobile Number
Zur Westpier 40 D-28755 Bremen