Marine & Offshore Solution Sendirian Berhad

Marine & Offshore Solution Sendirian Berhad
We are a premier provider of marine & offshore solution[…]
Company details

We are a premier provider of marine & offshore solutions focused on delivering industrial best commercial and technical ship management services that meets the requirements of our clients who operate in the competitive shipping and offshore industries. Marine & Offshore Solution (MarOff) is led and managed by a team of highly capable individuals with vast experience in the commercial and technical aspects of shipboard and fleet management. Our key team members consist of Chief Engineers and Master Mariners, who not only have extensive knowledge in the technical and operational management of a wide range of vessels and offshore crafts, but also are well informed of the safety and environmental issues and guidelines guarding the industry. Over and above our expertise, we are a team of professionals who have built excellent rapport with Commercial Charterers, Oil Majors and Ship Owners. At MarOff, we understand the quality of officers and crew are the most important factor in the management of vessel. Thus, our crew management services apply the highest standards of HR Management. MarOff Ship Management’s crewing services include: Crew management, including crew planning, crew processing, follow up cases, crew accounting, payroll and allotment and crew travelling. Screening and processing of crew, based on each client’s needs and goals. Experienced crew Crew training to ensure that our crew develop in our organization and generate steadily more value for clients. We aim to be a quality and standard Ship management, developing human resources in a cost effective and quality minded way to create long term value.

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Phone Number
+60 3 21666695; 03-7982 7600
K-1-3, Kuchai Business Park, No. 2, Jalan 1/127, Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur.