Maritec Tanker Management Private Limited

Maritec Tanker Management Private Limited
Company details

MARITEC TANKER MANAGEMENT PVT LTD (MTM PL) was established in January 2018. The office is based in Mumbai (India)--MTM PL is a wholly owned subsidiary of RUBIS ASPHALT MIDDLE EAST DMCC (RAME). RAME’s activity is to supply Bitumen.--MTM PL is the SHIP MANAGEMENT ‘arm’ of the RUBIS GROUP of Companies. It provides a complete in-house ship support package to Rubis’ owned fleet of Bitumen & Product Tankers--The vessel operations are dependent upon:--Condition of the vessel.--Expertise of employees working on board the ships, and--Proficiency of employees based ashore.--It is our goal to maintain all three to the highest standards.--MTM PL provides, through its team of highly motivated & experienced professionals, the complete ship management services which include – QHSE, Crewing, Operations, Technical, Purchasing and IT Support, to our Fleet. Major Conversion and New Ship Building Projects are also supervised via our ‘In House’ team.--At MTM PL, we care about every employee. We promote and encourage them to voice their ideas which are then used in making improvements to our Management Systems & Policies. This brings in innovation and dedication.--We believe that ‘change’ should be an ongoing continuous process.--Safety, Health, Quality and Environment--Building a strong and comprehensive safety culture is one of MTM PL’s highest priorities.--At MTM PL we are committed to conducting our operations in a manner which promotes safety, protects human life, the environment and property.--Safety, Health, Quality and Environmental responsibilities extend throughout the organization. Every employee is encouraged to take a proactive and constructive role in our drive for flawless, efficient and customer focused operations and to participate in our efforts to achieve the targets of zero incidents and zero spills.

Phone Number
+91 22 6863 1800
Lotus Corporate Park, 5th Floor, “G” Wing, Unit-501, 185/A, Graham Firth Compound, Goregaon East, Mumbai- 400063