MUSC Middle East

MUSC Middle East
Maritime & Underwater Security Consultants (MUSC) speci[…]
Company details

Maritime & Underwater Security Consultants (MUSC) specialises in providing maritime risk services and advice in some of the world's most challenging locations. We have an unparalleled history of successful execution of challenging and high-risk projects.----Since 1974, MUSC has provide services to a wide range of clients including government and regulatory bodies and commercial organisations around the world. Recognised experts in maritime, border and cargo security, MUSC was invited by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to provide input into the development of the ISPS code in 2001. We are accredited consultants to Lloyd's of London (Insurance).--Key Services:----Underwater UXO Survey / Marine UXO Survey--Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) / UXO Clearance--Hydrographic Survey / Bathymetric Survey--Shipping Security and Anti-Piracy----MUSC's services cover all aspects of marine associated risk; with over 30 years of experience we are proud of the breadth of knowledge and experience we offer clients.----Our established ship security programs; specifically counter-terrorism and anti-piracy services, are widely recognised as industry leading. Securing ports and offshore installations, from the security planning stage to providing physical security, is our specialty.----Key offerings in this sector include:----Counter piracy advice--On board security teams--Counter piracy audits and hardening--Maritime intelligence--ISPS services--General ship security assessments--Port & Supply chain risk analysis--Crisis management advice

Website Address
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Phone Number
+971 (0)7 2069 700
Mobile Number
Office No. UG 10 Amenity Centre Building 2 RAK Investment Authority Ras Al Khaimah UAE P.O.Box 16574