Myklebusthaug Management AS

Myklebusthaug Management AS
Myklebusthaug Management AS is a fully integrated ship […]
Company details

Myklebusthaug Management AS is a fully integrated ship management company operating dry cargo vessels, offshore support vessels and barges.--The company is ISM, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISPS certified and is responsible for:-- Chartering and operation.--Crewing --Insurance--General administration--Accounting--At present, Myklebusthaug Management operates 8 Container feeder vessels, 5 self-discharging general cargo vessels, and 5 offshore support vessels.--The total number of employees is about 300 persons, of which 18 are shore staff. The main office is located at Fonnes about 70 km north of Bergen.--The vessels managed by Myklebusthaug Management are mainly owned by different companies within the Myklebusthaug Group. --FLEET:--Container vessels:--MV Dina Trader--MV Andrea--MV Angela--MV Green Fast--MV Romy Trader--MV Rumba--MV RS MISTRAL--MV Coneste--Gen.Cargo Vessels:--MV Grinna--MV Dina--MV Fonnland--MV Heidi--MV Ingvild--Offshore Vessels:--MV Dina Polaris--MV Dina Star--MV Dina Merkur--MV Dina Scout--MV Vikingfjord

Website Address
Email Address
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Phone Number
+ 47 56168229; + 47 47039820; + 47 56168222; + 47 48212245
Fonnes 50 N-5953 Fonnes, Norway