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PT. NAGASINDO RAYA NALELA is registered & licensed Indonesian ship manning agent managed by professionals who experienced in the crewing business for over 24 years. The license number is SIUPPAK 62. 18. Tahun 2016 to comply with Transport Ministry Regulations No PM.84/2013
The company provides experienced Indonesian sailors for overseas Merchants ships (cargo, bulk carrier, reefer cargo, tanker, container, chemical, AHTS, OSV, cruise ships, etc) and Fising vessels (longliner, trawler, squid jigger, purse seiner, etc).
Dr. Tohana, the company director is also Chairman of ISMAA (Indonesia Ship Manning Agents Association) and Lecturer of Master Program at Bhayangkara University.
The company had recruited and placed thousands Indonesian crewmembers for Australian fleets, American, Falkland Islands, Japanese, Korean, Portugal, Samoan, Solomon Islands, Spanish and Taiwanese fleets.
In the matter of crew recruitment, the company emphasizes on sailor's experience, health, character, morality due to quality and best services are the company's priority.