Neptune Offshore AS

Neptune Offshore AS
Neptune Offshore was founded in 2006. The company focus[…]
Company details

Neptune Offshore was founded in 2006. The company focuses on specialized vessels within the seismic and subsea segment. Neptune Offshore is located in Ulsteinvik, outside ?lesund. The area is a marine cluster with strong offshore traditions. Currently more than 200 offshore vessels are operated from this area. We currently operate one vessel, Neptune Naiad.----Neptune Naiad, formerly known as Scan Stigandi, was our first vessel. Neptune Offshore has 50% ownership in Neptune Naiad through project company Neptune Seismic DIS.--Built in 2002 - high quality machinery and equipment recertified.--Converted to a high-end ice classed 2D and 3D vessel with long-offsets, dual sources and multi-streamer capabilities.--Fitted with helideck and azimuth thruster.----TYPE--High-end 2D / small 3D vessel with long-offseth, dual source and multi-streamer capabilities.----BUILT--2002. Major conversion completed in June 2008.----YARD--Huang Pu Shipbuilding. Converted at Irving Shipbuilding Inc. Canada.----BOLLARD PULL--Certified 39.2t (main engine only) 44.5t (main engine and azimuth thruster)----CLASS--Lloyds.----FLAG--NIS.----LOA--66.30 m.----BEAM--14.2 m.----ACCOMMODATION--43 persons.----MAIN ENGINES--1 x Man B&W Alpha L6-27/38-2040 Kw at 800 rpm with 1,300 kW shaft generator at 1,500 rpm.----AZIMUTH THRUSTER--1 x Rolls-Royce TCNS 83/70 1000 kW, power supply from dedicated auxiliary engine.

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Phone Number
+ 47 70 00 94 00
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Holmefjordvegen 1, 6090 Fosnavaag, Norway