North America Global Employment Link

North America Global Employment Link
NAGLOBLETAS has been providing recruitment services ove[…]
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NAGLOBLETAS has been providing recruitment services over the years when the founder and sponsors, initially started up a recruitment organisation in the United States. NAGLOBLETAS specialities include filling software developer, hardware and electronic engineering, information technology, project management vacancies for the high tech sector and clinical psychology, medical doctors and officers, nursing, physio therapy, audiology and occupational therapy positions for the health care industry.----We recognise that overseas candidates need as much information as necessary in order for them and their partners to make the best possible decision about whether or not United States is the right place for them and their families to live and work. We have leveraged of recruiting and staffing competencies in our professional staffing division. Our division covers a variety of professional positions, operating with a team of experienced recruiters. Each employer targets a specific area of expertise to bring our clients the best professional talent available. Our employers ensure skill and accuracy from their candidates by continually maintaining a network built on talent, relationship and industry referrals. Our certified, award-winning team of recruiters work at a consultative level to bring you employees who can make a meaningful contribution to your organization.----We offer direct hire placement of professionals in administrative, call center, accounting/financial, engineering, HR, legal, and technical positions. Our testing and screening process ensures you will meet only with candidates who are the best qualified for your openings. Our certified recruiters get to know your skills to ensure you not only get the most qualified candidate, but the right person for your business.----Our community is geared towards those people who want to break away from traditional means of “working the 9 to 5” and branch off into exciting international career pursuits that know no boundaries. However, this is not some get-an-international-job-overnight dreamer scenario, well established building/constructions, LNG, Oil and Gas/Hotels and tourism with a difference.----NAGLOBLETAS strong combination of building experience packaged with additional services is a key component of the organisation’s ability to provide value to clients. Two of these efforts are NAGLOBLETAS Risk Management services and NAGLOBLETAS Logistics. NAGLOBLETAS Risk Management team offers favorable insurance rates to clients and a way to resolve risk management issues enabling them to move forward with their respective projects. NAGLOBLETAS Logistics provides unique benefits to clients by leveraging NAGLOBLETAS tremendous purchasing power. The Logistics group buys direct from manufacturers receiving preferred pricing, service and improved delivery timing.

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Briacliff Manor, NY 10707-8080, United States of America