NS United Shipping (USA) Inc

NS United Shipping (USA) Inc
The mission of the shipping industry is to provide a vi[…]
Company details

The mission of the shipping industry is to provide a vital link among the countries and regions of the world by transporting people and commodities, thereby developing and improving our daily lives and cultures and supporting industry. The progress of globalization driven by the economic development of newly emerging countries and other factors is making the role of the shipping industry more important than ever before.----In anticipation of future trends, Shinwa Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. and Nippon Steel Shipping Co., Ltd., both with more than half a century of history and experience, were consolidated to form NS United Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. in October 2010.----NS United Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. has effectively combined the skills and trust fostered by the longstanding service of the two companies, particularly their advanced technical expertise in the marine transportation of raw materials for the steel industry and comprehensive capability in regard to a wide range of marine transportation methods for everything from raw materials, industrial products and feed grains to energy resources. The company continues to evolve as a shipping company with new value.----By accurately discerning customer needs and delivering a quicker, more extensive and flexible response to those needs with stronger cost competitiveness, we will bolster our ability to provide comprehensive, high-quality marine transportation services. We will also strive to be an enterprise that maintains the public trust, with a strong presence and an excellent reputation for reliability in the overseas shipping market.----We will deepen and expand our transport services by integrating our group capabilities and work every day to earn the solid trust of our customers by providing transport services of superb quality and encouraging ingenuity and initiative, to prove worthy of continued business and support.----We have announced our Group Corporate Philosophy and Environmental Policy and established our Code of Business Conduct. We will conduct all phases of our business within this framework and fulfill our social responsibilities with utter transparency under the highest ethical standards. We will also continue to take action to reduce our impact on the environment by ensuring safe transportation with zero tolerance for accidents that may adversely affect the environment.----Every employee of the NS United Kaiun Group executes their respective operational duties with genuine, unrestrained enthusiasm in an open-minded workplace through the application of their abundant experience, advanced technology and expertise. We intend to make our company a place where employees can grow through their work.----Ever aware of our mission as a global enterprise group, we will remain dedicated to providing safe, efficient and high-quality marine transportation services for our customers. This is our fundamental responsibility. In this light, we deeply appreciate your continued guidance, encouragement and support for the NS United Kaiun Group.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+1 201 348 2101
4th Floor, 300 Harmon Meadow Boulevard, Secaucus, NJ 07094, U.S.A.