Oasis Shipping International LLC Kiev

Company details

Oasis shipping international is a crew recruiting company commenced operation in 2000 providing crew recruitment services for Container, General Cargo and Bulk cargo vessels. Staff of the company consists of extensive sea-going and shore human resource experienced personnel. The company obtained ISO 9001 certificate in 2001. Company’s system and procedures ensure that a high standard is maintained in the provision of our services and that client requirements are complied with. We are constantly studying recruitment market conditions and challenges in order to provide the best possible returns to our clients.----Modern ships require not only qualified technical and commercial management, crew is one of the vital elements to secure a successful shipping operation. That is why Oasis has invested in dedicated training center in Mariupol, employs and trains cadets from the best educational institutions such as Odessa Namtional Maritime Academy, Azov Maritime Institute (affiliated to ONMA), in medical center in Mariupol. The company is fully committed to consistently providing total quality in its services to satisfy and enhance needs and expectations of the customers.--Our quality system among other ensures:----For ship owners:----constant in-house training of seafarers--flexibility in developing employment policies in conjunction with Owners to ensure the specific requirements of vessels/trade are satisfied--all statutory, code, legislation, guidelines, standards of shipowner are taken into consideration--manning of qualified, competent and experienced crew--officers have a good command in English and ratings are able to converse in common language----For seafarers:--fair employment terms and conditions in accordance with ITF regulations--career development for all crew--pursuing strategy of long-term employment and dedicated crews--social programs such as medical insurance for crewmembers and their families, pension program for crew members--encouragement and assistance in self development and education/training----We believe that our crews demonstrate that such investment has been time and money well spent.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+380 44 2788833; +380 44 2783490
Mobile Number
01034, Ukraine, Kiev 9-A, Pushkinskaya Str., App.38