Ocean Vantange Engineering sdn bhd

Ocean Vantange Engineering sdn bhd
Company details

OCEAN VANTAGE ENGINEERING SDN BHD (946170-W) or OVE is a home grown Sarawak company founded and incorporated in 2011 with the core objective of providing engineering and fabrication services to cater to the growing needs of the offshore oil & gas industry in Malaysia and globally. The objective was to expand the company to provide not only engineering & fabrication services but to be a one stop solution center catering to all of oil & gas industry needs.--Since then, we have established OCEAN VANTAGE INSPECTION TESTING SDN BHD (988180-U) which undertakes the overall provision of NDT Inspection Services. Our range of services and products have also grown in tandem with our progressive expansion.--Our core management team comprises of a vibrant and experienced group of people with past and present experiences in serving the oil & gas industry both upstream and downstream. The management team is further supported by a group of multi-disciplined, highly qualified semi-skilled and skilled workforce.--In view of the growing demand and rising business opportunities, we have expanded our presence in strategic locations around Malaysia including Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Miri, Bintulu and Labuan.--INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES--1. ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND COMISSIONING--Minor and Major Fabrication Services both Onshore and Offshore Facilities--Pipeline and Structure Repairs--Mechanical and Piping Erection for Onshore and Offshore Facilities--EPCC of Small to Medium Size Process Facilities--Project Management--Rig & Vessel Refurbishment--2. SHIP MANAGEMENT AND CHARTERING--3. UNDERWATER SERVICES--4. TOPSIDE MAINTENANCE & HOOK-UP COMISSIONING--INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES--1. Liquid Metering Solutions (Custody Transfer/Allocation)--2. Gas Metering Solutions (Custody Transfer/Allocation)--3. Hydrocarbon Measurement Consultancy--NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION AND TESTING--1. Dye Pen Inspection--2. Magnetic Particle Inspection--3. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging--4. Ultrasonic Thickness Flaw Detection--5. Eddy Current Inspection--6. Boroscope Inspection--7. Positive Material Identification--PROVISION OF DRILLING RIGS--1. Premium Jack-Up Drilling Rigs--2. Drillships--3. Semi-Submersible Drilling Rigs--SKILLED MANPOWER SUPPLY--1. Drilling, Marine & Maintenance Crew--2. Welders--3. Fitters--4. Scaffolders--5. Blaster & Painters--6. E&I Personnel--7. Divers--8. Various Oil & Gas Professionals--ROPE ACCESS--1. Rope Access Technicians--2. Rope Access Equipment & Rescue Kits--COROSSION MAINTENANCE--1. Wet & Dry Blasting--2. Tank Cleaning--EQUIPMENT RENTAL--1. Welding Machines--2. Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Machines--3. Scaffolding Materials--4. Generator Sets--5. Load Cells & Water Bags--6. Rigging Equipment--7. Cargo Handling Equipment--8. Welding Habitat--GENERAL CONSTRUCTION--1. Buildings & Infrastructure--2. Civil Works & General Maintenance--GENERAL TRADING--1. Oil & Gas Equipment & Consumables--2. Various Industrial Equipment & Machinery--3. Steel Materials & Piping--4. Marine Equipment & Supplies

Website Address
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Phone Number
+608 5491 780
Mobile Number
Lot 5570, 1st Floor, Jalan Desa Pujut, Desa Pujut Shophouse, Pusat Bandar Baru Permyjaya, 98100 Miri, Sarawak.