Offshore Construction Specialists (OCS) Pte Ltd

Offshore Construction Specialists (OCS) Pte Ltd
Offshore Construction Specialists (OCS) first establish[...]
Company details

Offshore Construction Specialists (OCS) first established an office in the United Kingdom in the year 2000 and expanded operations to Singapore in 2007. Company focus is the provision of construction management, engineering and consulting services primarily to the offshore oil and gas sector. Changing industry dynamics has resulted in a continued shortage of properly qualified and motivated engineers with the right experience to deal with the range of complex issues faced by offshore operators and contractors. OCS employs a base load of personnel with extensive experience in all facets of marine construction. OCS uses this depth of experience to mentor and train new personnel and has built an organisation capable of taking on the most difficult projects. To complement our Operational and Field Engineering staff, we have developed a Construction Support Engineering group equipped with the latest industry software to provide engineering analysis required for transportation studies, pipeline and cable lay, pile drivability, mooring analyses, engineered lifts, jacket launch, float and upend, and a range of other applications.----In 2013 the company assisted the Indonesian EPIC Contractor PT Timas Suplindo to acquire the Derrick Pipelay Barge DLB 01 from McDermott and OCS now operates the vessel on behalf of Timas executing a wide range of marine projects. The vessel is equipped with a 12 point mooring, 900 ton revolving Derrick tub crane and full pipelay capability.----OCS has also recently been awarded an engineering contract with Krisenergy for the design of a small platform in Thailand with future prospects to perform fabrication and installation work on the same platform.----Key points related to OCS--Starting with a small core group of key personnel in the company's earlier years, OCS has now expanded its dedicated staff with support operations in the United Kingdom, Australia, India (Bangalore) and Indonesia.--Experienced in all the marine, structural and operational aspects related to the design, fabrication and installation of offshore platforms, pipelines, subsea structures, moorings and all related facilities--Services for OCS clients include Marine Facilities Engineering and Design, Construction Management including related Engineering and Field Support, Marine Equipment Upgrades, Rig up of Specialist Equipment Spreads, Stinger Design, "Build to Operations" Manuals for Marine equipment etc.--OCS operates a jacket Launch Management services and has launched a total of 6 jackets with Jackets up to 8500 metric tonnes in 158 metre water depth.--OCS Operates a suite of Strategic Equipment together with Support Technicians in the marine construction support areas of Pipeline Pre-commissioning, Pipeline Pre and Post Trenching, Free Span Corrections, Pile remediation Flexible Flowline / Cable / Umbilical installations etc. We are continually adding to our equipment inventory.--OCS was certified to ISO 9001 in 2008 and accredited by Nata for pipeline hydrotesting in 2013.----OCS has purchased a facility in the Pioneer district of Singapore to accommodate the Company's management, engineering, equipment groups and a work shop to accommodate our equipment and carry out the maintenance. We intend to develop the facility to a best in class status in our field of operatons to the mutual benefit of OCS and our clients.----2. Onshore and Marine Construction Management.----The onshore and marine construction management capability is what sets OCS apart from other independent engineering companies servicing the industry. All OCS key personnel joined the company after long careers with McDermott during a period where that company was the leading playing in the industry in Asia Pacific. The execution of hard money projects involving every facet of marine construction on a continual basis over many years has given our personnel experience that in the current market is very difficult to replicate. The training regime this provides to OCS younger personnel is invaluable and has led to a company culture where delivery of our service in accordance with customer requirements is of critical importance and where the OCS knowledge base enables new projects to be executed while keeping unnecessary mistakes to a minimum.----This construction management experience has underpinned both our engineering group who provide a solid analysis base to our project teams and our strategic equipment group who execute niche subcontract work associated both with OCS marine construction projects and with stand alone projects managed by third parties.----OCS always aims to fill the gaps that often exist between design engineering and operational constructability.----3. Design and Construction Support Engineering----OCS conducts all design and construction support engineering analyses in-house. Our engineering group has branch offices in both Singapore and Bangalore in India. The group is equipped with all the latest analysis software including Moses, Offpipe (static and dynamic), Orcaflex, Staad Pro, SACS and GRL WEAP. Typical analysis and design work performed by OCS :--Onshore Pipelines, Tank farms, receiving and exporting facilities.--Pipeline and riser design.--Transportation Analyses.--Engineered Lifts.--Jacket Launch Analyses--Pile Launch Analyses--Flexible flowline, Cable and Umbilical installation analyses.--Pipe pull analyses.--Pipelay analyses, Pipeline Davit and Single point lifts.--Pile Drivability analyses.--Heavy Lift and general rigging designs.--Pipe ramp and stinger designs--Jackets, Topsides, Subsea Template and Manifold designs--4. Strategic Equipment Subcontracting.----OCS maintains a suite of portable equipment together with a group of qualified technicians in the following peripheral service / subcontract areas of the marine construction sector which can be leveraged using our engineering expertise. OCS ensures all equipment assets are maintained to the highest standards and uses in-house construction management and engineering skill sets to make best use of the assets thereby creating a win-win situation for OCS and the customer.----The equipment group is controlled by our construction management group.--Pipeline Pre-commissioning (Flooding, Cleaning, Gauging, Hydrotesting, Dewatering, Drying and Nitrogen Packing)--Pipeline Pre and Post Trenching.--Flexible Flowline, Umbilical and Cable Lay and Burial.--Pile Remediation ( Jetting, Airlifting and Remedial Drilling)--Pipeline Free span Corrections.--Jacket Launching.--Mooring Installations.--OCS has built up a considerable resume of completed projects in all the above discipline areas and can provide details on request.----5. OCS Clients and Company Track Record.----OCS Clients have come from both the oil company and marine contracting side and include: ConocoPhillips, Star Petroleum, Hess Indonesia, Asia Petroleum Developments (Salamander), EMAS, Larsen & Toubro, SapuraAcergy, TLO SapuraCrest, Heerema, NorCe, Offshore Marine Contractors, Vietsovpetro (VSP), Timas Suplindo, Kangean Energy, Nippon Steel, Newfield Peninsula Malaysia, Franklin Offshore, M3 Energy, Sarku, Hako Offshore, Global Industries, Sea Drill, Origin Energy, McConnell Dowell, MRTS, Allseas and Leighton Australia.----In the 12 months to the end of March 2014 OCS added some significant projects to the company resume:--Construction management on behalf of PT Timas for the raising of the Lima Complex offshore Jakarta in the Java Sea. Four (4) platforms were raised in a single jacking operation.--In conjunction with the raising of the Lima complex working in conjunction with PT Timas OCS performed Project and Construction management on behalf of PT Timas for gas pipeline diversion works around the Lima complex to ensure continuity of gas supply. The 4 month fast track project involved the installation of 14" and 20" subsea pipelines, 9 subsea hot taps, 3 x manifold / valve skids and all related subsea tie-ins. The complex operation involved use of the Derrick Pipelay barge DLB 01 and two DSV's.--Construction management on the PHE UL platform and pipeline installation working with PT Timas.--Project and Construction management on the Petronas Ketapang field development working with PT Timas.--Completion of Engineering and Project Management for the PTTEP Zawtika Wellhead platform and infield pipeline project for PTTEP in Burma subcontracting to Larson and Toubro. Project has involved 3 wellhead platforms with launch jackets from 7000 to 9000 tonnes, single piece 84" piles 143.5 metres in length weighing over 450 tonnes and two 18" infield pipelines in water depths from 130 to 160 metres. The DLB LTS 3000 was the major work barge employed on the project.--Completion of Pipeline Post Burial for the Chevron Domestic Gas Pipeline from Barrow Island to the Australian mainland subcontracting to Clough Sea Trucks JV. OCS provided the jet sled, pumps, operating crew and the full suite of support equipment to operate the equipment operating off the Java Constructor and the Kalinda pipelay vessels.--Completion of engineering and project supervision for a twin 42" pipeline pull from the Queensland mainland in Australia to Curtis Island for QCLNG and APLNG. The dual pipe string 3.9 km in length and weighing approximately 15,000 tonnes was laid out on rails. 3,500 tonnes of buoyancy along with a 450 ton linear pull winch and 3,300 metres of 3.5" wire rope were employed on the Pipepull. OCS was subcontracted by the main Contractor MCJV.--Continuation of Lift Engineering and mooring studies for the DLB Norce Endeavour for heavy lifts associated with the installation of the Gorgon LNG jetty on Barrow Island off Western Australia. OCS was subcontracted by Solstad Offshore.--General OCS skill sets include:--Constructability studies and field development options Installation of sub-structures and topsides--Offshore installation engineering, planning and management Installation of subsea structures and pipelines--Tender preparation and technical contract reviews and/or negotiations Strategic subcontracts for marine construction--SPECIFIC AREAS OF OCS EXPERTISE----Self contained field developments with platform, pipeline and/or tanker mooring installation components--Jacket and Deck Installations--Launch barge rig up and offshore launch management--Installation of Tanker Moorings----Refused pile remediation----Floatover topsides installations--Pipeline Precommisioning operations (Flooding, Pigging, Testing, Drying, Inerting)--Flexible Riser, Cable and umbilical installations--Shore approaches using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), conventional open cut and--pipe pull techniques complemented by towed pipe solutions when required--Pipeline Pre-lay and Post-lay Burial--Operability assessments and recommendations on new marine construction equipment designs--Build To Operation services for newbuild marine construction barges (Operating Procedures for Class Certification)--Construction barge Upgrades for specific project and/or owner requirement.--Free span rectification--Field engineering support services--Barge and vessel rig up for specialist applications--Weather Management Planning for Offshore Operations--SPECIALIST SERVICES FOR OPERATORS----OCS provides operators the ability to review and assess their installation options, marine construction budgets and negotiate technical details with potential contractors.----OCS has experienced personnel who can develop project contracting strategies, prepare marine construction RFQs, ITBs, perform vessel inspections and conduct detailed technical discussions with contractors based on a given scope of work. OCS can both plan the execution and supervise the implementation of a project.----Engaging OCS at the early stages of a project allows operators to minimize costly scope of work errors, adopt the contracting strategy most suited to the work at hand, identify contractors with the equipment and expertise required for their project, avoid delays due to poor planning or timing and provide operators the resources to manage interfaces in any offshore project.----Utilizing OCS allows operators to perform owner managed installations using drilling rigs or other equipment taking maximum advantage of field development equipment synergies. OCS can provide the construction experience and know-how for different methodologies and manage the work on behalf of the operator as required.--SPECIALIST SERVICES FOR CONTRACTORS----OCS provides marine contractors with key offshore construction management and execution expertise during the project tendering, planning and execution phases of a project.----OCS has experienced personnel who can assist with tender preparation and technical contract reviews and/or negotiations.--During the planning and execution phases OCS specialist personnel can perform the detailed planning including preparation of installation procedures and subcontract packages. OCS can also assist with vessel and equipment mobilization and supervision of offshore installation activities.----OCS has the personnel to relieve contractors of the high cost of increasing their baseline, permanent employee levels in order to deal with one off projects. With the high cost of construction spreads and a competitive contracting environment, good planning and well thought out execution strategies can make the difference between success and failure. OCS helps contractors make that difference..--STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES : PIPELINE BEACH PULLS, PIPELINE PRE-COMMISIONING, PIPELINE PRE/POST TRENCHING, CABLE LAY, JACKET LAUNCH MANAGEMENT, MOORING INSTALLATIONS, FOUNDATION PILE DRILLING & REMEDIATION----OCS maintains a pool of portable marine construction support equipment. This equipment is controlled by OCS field engineering staff and marine construction team. The equipment can be contracted separately or as part of a larger marine construction package. For details and specifications of OCS equipment see MARINE CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT.

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(65) 6898 0210
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No. 36 Kian Teck Road, Singapore 628781