Pacific Workboats Private Limited

Pacific Workboats Private Limited
Pacific Workboats Pte Ltd (PWPL) was formed in 2003 to [...]
Company details

Pacific Workboats Pte Ltd (PWPL) was formed in 2003 to provide services in the harbour services market. It is a joint venture between Pacc Offshore Services Holdings Pte Ltd, a member of the Kuok (Singapore) Pte Ltd Group of companies and Dolphin Shipping Company Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SembCorp Marine Ltd.--PWPL leveraging on the considerable experience and resources of its parents, has established itself as one of the leading providers in the Asia Pacific region of quality and well managed vessels which include:--1. Harbour tugs --2. Heavy Lift Floating Cranes--PWPL is active in the local and regional shipping, ship repair and shipbuilding segments.--Operating the 1,500 mt swl floating sheerleg crane PW L-1501, PWPL has provided comprehensive heavy lifting consultancy services to its clients and lifted with a 100% record many significant projects since its inception. These include the removal and installation of equipment individually or in blocks for FPSO conversions, rig buildings and conventional ship building activities. PW L-1501 has also undertaken successfully the lifting / shifting of container gantry cranes and taken part in salvage operations.--Harbour tugs services are also provided by PWPL operating in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and New Caledonia.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+65 62627068; +65 6265 8621
59 Shipyard Road, Jurong Singapore 628143