PT.PAS as well known PELINTASAN SAMUDERA , based in Jakarta, Indonesia provides a comprehensive range of crew management services to all ship owners/manager worldwide at a reasonable cost.
Company details

PT.PAS as well known PELINTASAN SAMUDERA , based in Jakarta, Indonesia provides a comprehensive range of crew management services to all ship owners/manager worldwide at a reasonable cost. Standing since 2009 experiences in the maritime industry and our management team also experience working for manning crew from one of the biggest manning management in Indonesia, we can offer a variety of modern, tailor-made services aimed at solving our customer’s recruitment, selection and crew management needs. The company is managed by professional manpower,

PELINTASAN SAMUDERA recognizes the importance of qualified and dedicated crew in the successful operation of its vessels. The crew onboard is the most important part for any vessel’s safe and smooth operation and hence the key for PELINTASAN SAMUDERA success. Our crew management package is designed to satisfy the requirements of our customers/client.

PELINTASAN SAMUDERA aims to provide secure and professionally fulfilling careers for our seafarer by maintaining the highest degree of integrity in all aspects of our operations. The company recognizes crew as the most important element in our operations and is constantly seeking experienced crew to join our team. We also strive to reflect our values and vision throughout the organization in order to provide the best possible service to our principals.

By making all our employees feel an integral part of PELINTASAN SAMUDERA and fully supporting their continuing education, competence building and career development, we intend to attract the young generation of seafarers.

Jl. Pegangsaan No. II, Jakarta, Indonesia