Pioneer Ship Management Services LLC

Crew Management :----Pioneer Ship Management Service LL[…]
Company details

Crew Management :----Pioneer Ship Management Service LLC managed ships are staffed with predominantly Indian Seafarers with other nationalities of the highest caliber. Crewing is done through our manning partners in Mumbai and Bangladesh and their partners across the globe.----Pioneer Ship Management Services LLC is equipped with a computerized crew management system to ensure that ships are always manned with competent and properly trained sea staff. Our database has updated personal, professional & service experience records of over a 1000 seafarer's.----A comprehensive crew training system forms part of Pioneer Ship Management Services LLC training policy. The training needs of officers & ratings are regularly identified and addressed. Records of training provided are maintained on board & on shore.----Seafarers’ competence, aptitude and attitude are evaluated in an on-going process to ensure that any short comings are noted and required training or assistance is provided.----Masters and Chief Engineers are routed through the Head Office in Dubai to familiarize them with Company's policies, Safety Management System, Ship related issues, etc. The company targets a visit by each senior staff member at least once in 2 years.----Safety and compliance with latest regulations is achieved via circulars, videos, CBT and office guidance.

Phone Number
Mobile Number
604 & 605, Shaikh Saud Al Qasimi Bldg (Gulf Air Building), Opposite Reef Mall, Salah Al Din Road, Deira Dubai, Dubai, U.A.E.