Polaris Shipping

Polaris is a leading international shipping company wit[…]
Company details

Polaris is a leading international shipping company with two strategic business areas: Shipping and shipping related technical services. Established in 1987, Polaris Shipping owns & operates 7 bulk carriers with a total capacity of 86.000 DWT.----Our Company management strategy allows us to meet professionally the demand for reliable and proper cargo transportation needs. Polaris Shipping is specialized in bulk and project cargo transportation with in-time delivery, fast and efficient cargo handling.----For more than 25 years Polaris team have earned a reputation of professionalism, competence and excellence of services well recognized by long-lasting customers.----Polaris is proud to respond customers’ reliance by committing continuously to further improve the quality of her services and satisfy their transportation and logistical needs.----Other than shipping operations, Polaris is engaged in technical era by providing total overhaul & repair services for vessels and representing international companies such as Woodward Governors, Schaller Automations Systems & WSF Sander.----The basic operations of Polaris:----Shipping Industry:--Fleet Ownership--Ship Management--Chartering & Brokering----Technical Services:--Ship repair and maintenance--Authorized Independent Service Facility – AISF for WOODWARD (USA) Governors & Actuators--Authorized distributor of SCHALLER AUTOMATION (Germany) for diesel engines monitoring & security systems.--Partner of WSF SANDER (Germany) for liquid related automation systems

Phone Number
+90 216 399 49 59
Mobile Number
Evliya Celebi Mah. Genc Osman Cad.No:58 Ak ?s Merkezi Tuzla / Istanbul 34944 TURKEY