Port2Port Maritime Security Ltd.

Port2Port Maritime Security Ltd.
In the unpredictable world of shipping and maritime ope[…]
Company details

In the unpredictable world of shipping and maritime operations, our clients need an expert and trusted security service. We are focused but flexible in providing tailored solutions to the unique needs of our diverse client base. From our personnel to our operating procedures and equipment, with Port2Port you are in the safest possible hands.----Our senior management and operational support staff are experts in their specialist fields with vast experience from across the sector. We provide the complete spectrum of services from technical security consultancy and armed vessel protection, 24/7 operational support and crisis management to real time threat analysis and intelligence.----We only utilise the highest standard of UK operator carefully selected exclusively from the Royal Marines and Army Commandos. Our highly trained and certified professionals have every requisite industry qualification coupled with substantial operational and maritime experience to ensure an exemplary service delivery at all times. Our service offering also extends to the provision of Indian Maritime Security Officers. These individuals are vetted and trained in-house through our rigorous training regimen to ensure consistent capability.

Email Address
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Phone Number
+44 (0)161 837 6220
Delphian House, Riverside, New Bailey Street, Manchester (UK), M3 5FS.