PortNews Agency

PortNews Agency
Informational and analytical agency PortNews was establ[…]
Company details

Informational and analytical agency PortNews was established and registered in Russia as a mass media outlet in 2004. Today, PortNews IAA is the leading and most widely read media in the field of sea and river transport, as well as a tool for interaction between business, government and the press. Every day about eight thousand regular visitors to the Russian and English versions of the portal read our resource.-- The information policy of the media group PortNews is based on a deep understanding of the industry's interests. According to Google Analytics, we are read by industry audiences around the world, with the exception of the polar archipelago of Svalbard and several countries in central Africa, where our audience simply does not exist.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+7 (812) 570-78-03
Mobile Number
St. Petersburg, Zvenigorodskaya street, D. 1, 1 floor, office 104.