Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd

Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd
Pritchard-Gordon Tankers specialises in ocean transport[…]
Company details

Pritchard-Gordon Tankers specialises in ocean transportation of crude oil, refined petroleum products, chemicals and biofuels in environmentally sensitive areas, using purpose built, shallow draft, double hull tankers.--The Company offers its Charterers contracts of affreightment, timecharter or spot voyage charter cover for their marine transport requirements.--The Company’s current fleet of 12 vessels from 6,200 dwt to 12,200 dwt are all European built and fly the British or Isle of Man flag. Its Officers are British, European and Caribbean with crews hailing mostly from Guyana.--The Company’s principal area of operation is in the Caribbean Sea, USA, Central and South America. The Company also frequently trades in Europe and the Mediterranean.--The Company’s customer base includes Major Oil Companies, Global Oil Traders, State Oil Companies, Regional Oil Producers, Regional Oil Trading Houses and Downstream Distributors, Downstream Distributors as well as a household name Global Drinks Company.--Pritchard-Gordon Tankers is one of the very few specialist fully integrated British Tanker owning and operating companies trading under the UK Tonnage Tax regime.--Pritchard-Gordon Tankers has two offices in the UK. The Head Office in Sussex manages all commercial, chartering, insurance and accounting activities.--The Technical Management office in Tyne and Wear handles all day to day technical management, personnel and staff training, drydockings, design and newbuilding supervision. Liaison with Oil Major Company vetting teams, industry bodies, regulators, Classification Societies and Port State Control offices are also handled from this office. The team in Tyne and Wear is currently made up of five Superintendent Engineers, two Deck Superintendents, a head of Newbuilding Supervision, a Head of Personnel and various support staff.--The Company is managed and run by a team of experienced specialists in their chosen fields of sale and purchase, tanker chartering, vessel operations, marine engineering and vessel design.--Pritchard-Gordon Tankers has had its own Cadet Training Scheme for more than 25 years and currently has in the region of 19 Cadet Officers in the system. Early entrants are already sailing in the fleet at a senior level. The Company is committed to nurturing its Officers and Crews.--The Company’s ships are named after several generations of female family members and as we undergo a newbuilding fleet renewal process new names are being added to the fleet list.--Our ethos--An uncompromising pursuit of safety and efficiency through designing, building and maintaining our vessels to the highest standards; training, caring for and providing a rewarding and happy workplace for our staff. Our aims are excellence of operation and customer service at a competitive price.

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Phone Number
+44 191 427 8010
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Maritime House 15 Witney Way Boldon Business Park Boldon Colliery, Tyne and Wear NE35 9PE