PT. Asfalindo Surya Pratama

PT. Asfalindo Surya Pratama
PT. ASFALINDO SURYA PRATAMA (ASP) Is a Company establis [...]
Company details

PT. ASFALINDO SURYA PRATAMA (ASP) Is a Company established under the Law of Republic of Indonesia since 2007, is a private Company operating in supplying of Indonesian Manpower to Local and Foreign Companies, with specialization in supplying Seafarers to ( Passenger Vessel, Bulk Carrier, Tanker, Container Vessel, Livestock Vessel and Offshore Support Vessel ). PT. ASFALINDO SURYA PRATAMA (ASP) Is already fully audit with Lloyd’s Register MLC 2006 to implement the recruitment Process, to getting good quality crew following standard. Backed in a strong Managerial and Trained qualified staffs having a Maritime Industry as their background, it has become one of outstanding Manpower Supplier, having direct access to various Education and Training institution for various occupations. Our Company has strict Regulation to supply o n l y m a n p o w e r o n p a r t w i t h the internationally required Standard and Certification. In the case of Ship's personnel, in accordance with the IMO Certification Standard as well as STCW 2010 Amandemen Manila. PT. ASFALINDO SURYA PRATAMA, will overcome it as we provide Quality and Service of High Standard, able to execute the entire Business efficiently. Our Company economics with regard to the employment. We are the tight contact point for your complete Recruitment.

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