Gesuri offers full range of agency service for many int [...]
Company details

Gesuri offers full range of agency service for many international companies. The motto: GESURI LLOYD - Your partner in TRANSPORTATION expresses our wish to work closely with customers and principals alike and provide the best service. These services include vessels clearance, fast turn time, short port stay, vessel supplies, cargoes handling, marketing, bunkering, seafarers crew manning, port information. --Gesuri Lloyd Agency Division has one of the most complete network in Indonesia: Jakarta being the head office, with branch offices at Tanjung Priok in Jakarta, Cilegon, Semarang,Surabaya, Belawan port in Medan, Kuala Tanjung, Teluk Betung, Samarinda, Bontang, Mataram, Benete (Sumbawa Island), Batam and Benoa-Bali. For other Indonesia ports where we have no branch office we have our sub-agent's network to handle the vessels. --It is a great honour to meet you through this presentation of our Company. The moment we started our activities in 1964, we had set our minds upon sailing our ships across the waters of the world to carry clients' entrusted cargo safely to each designated port, thereby contributing our full share to enhance the country's economic climate. --Since then we did the very best to make true this ambition and to keeping our commitments. --As oceans undergo movements of tide, so we went through ups and downs that come with the shipping business. It brought us a wealth of experiences and a number of friends who have stood a steady relationship with us. --Entering a new era where technology strides forward with giants steps into a global universe, we will maintain our course, keeping ears and eyes wide open and ready to welcome whichever changes adaptable. --I hereby wish to extend my gratitude to these friends who unwavering granted us their support during all those years. To those who still have to get acquainted with us yet, I would like to welcome you warmly. Never hesitate to call upon our services, because that is what we are for: to be --Agency --Our sub agents are: --SUMATERA ISLAND --PT. Bahtera Adhiguna, Lhokseumawe --PT. Eka Samudera Lima, Palembang --PT. Margo Indonesia Servicetama, Dumai --PT. Pertamina Tongkang, Tanjung Uban --PT. Serunting Sriwijaya, Bengkulu --JAVA ISLAND --PT. Indobaruna Bulk Transport, Cilacap --PT. Djakarta Lloyd, Banyuwangi --PT. Varia Usaha Lintas Segara, Tuban --NUSA TENGGARA ISLAND --PT. Nusa Tenggara, Bima --PT. Pelni, Waingapu --PT. Pelni, Larantuka --PT. Nusa Tenggara Kupang --SULAWESI ISLAND --PT. Aneka Tambang, Menado, Pomalaa --PT. Bahari Nusantara, Makassar --PT. Djakarta Lloyd Manado/Bitung --PT. Pelni, Pare-pare --KALIMANTAN ISLAND --PT. Bahana Utama Lines, Sangata --PT. Bahtera Adhiguna, Kotabaru --PT. Intra Lautan Sarana Bahtera, Pontianak --PT. Mustika Kencana Permai, Banjarmasin-Kotabaru --PT. Pertamina Tongkang, Bontang Badak/LNG --PT. Samudera Shipping Service, Tarakan --PT. Samudera Shipping Service, Balikpapan --PT. Sea Horse, Jakarta --PT. Tirta Samudera Caraka, Bontang --PT. Wasesa Line, Tanjung Redeb --MALUKU & IRIAN JAYA --PT. Aneka Tambang, Gebe --PT. Aneka Tambang, Tg. Buli --PT. Aneka Tambang, P.Gee --PT. Freeport Indonesia, Amamapare --PT. Indah Perkasa, Ambon --PT. Kumafa Lagun Marina, sorong-Tangguh/Bintuni --Our background of 30 years experience enables a constant update to our principals and presently the Agency Division is trusted to handle 40 to 50 vessels/month by various principals. --To name a few, they are (in alphabethical): --BBC Chartering & Logistic, GMBH & Co, Leer-Germany --Bernhard Schulte (Hellas) Sppls, Athens --BigLift Shipping BV, Amsterdam --Bulk Chartering Armada, Australia --Daichii Tanker, Tokyo-Japan --Egyptian Navigation Co, Alexandria --Fayette International Holding --Gen Shipping, Singapore --Glencore, Switzerland --Green Shipping LTD, Moji-Japan --Inui Steamship, Tokyo --KSS Line Ltd, Korea --Marine Business Solution, Singapore --Maldives National Shipping Line, Maldives --Martrans, Cairo-Egypt --Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan --Mitsui OSK Kinkai, Tokyo --Mitsui OSK Passengers Line Ltd., Tokyo --Mur Shipping, Sydney --Oldendorff Carriers Luebeck, Germany --Oldendorff Carriers Melbourne --Perkins Shipping, Darwin --Richard Gendle Consultancy Australia --Shinwa Kaiun Kaisha LTD, Tokyo --Shipco Transport, Jakarta - NVOCC --Showa Yusosen, Tokyo --Sojitz Marine & Engineering Corp --Sunwo Merchant Marine, Seoul --Superin Line, Medan --Tamai Steamship, Tokyo --The Rice Company, USA --Thor Shipping, Denmark --Unigas International BV, Holland --Vietnam Ocean Shipping Haipong, Vietnam --Villa Shipping Male, Maldive --Vinashin Shipping Joinstock, Hanoi --Winsway International Petroleum & Chemical LTD, Beijing --Chartering --PT. Gesuri Lloyd is one of the very first shipping company that is allowed by the government to handle communist flag vessels. Agency activities are combined with expertise of the chartering division, controlling a huge cargo volume out of Indonesia ports with employment provided by Gesuri. Many liner as well as tramp operators appoint Gesuri as their agent. Agency appointments should all be directed to our head office in Jakarta. --In Order to provide the best sea transportation service in Indonesia waters territory and in line with the implementation of Presidential Instruction (INPRES) NO. 5/2005, our staffs in Chartering Division will give the customers an excellent chartering service all the time. So Far, our Chartering Division supported by our owned vessel MV. GANDA SATRIA and charter vessels from other local shipping company. --For the past three years, our Chartering Division have a good business relation with several state owned company to mention a few such as PT. Petrokimia Gresik, PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Tbk in carrying/distributing their cargo of fertilizer for inter islands in Indonesia. --Our Motto "Your Partner in transportation" and supported by our qualified and experience Chartering Staffs are always readily at your disposal.

Website Address
Phone Number
(0254) 312 300, 312 200, 312 280
Mobile Number
5, Jl. Raya Anyer, Cigading, Jawa Barat