PT.Global Sinar Permata

PT.Global Sinar Permata
Global SP was established in 1999 based in the North Ja [...]
Company details

Global SP was established in 1999 based in the North Jakarta, as an Indonesian Limited liability Company with deed no.11 by Notary Public accepted in Indonesia to become a corporate of marine manpower supplier, Global SP managed to get Business license and permits issued by the Ministry of Justice & human’s right with registration no AHU-0054526 dated 01.09.2011, and has been fully compliance with the ILO-Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) 2006 from the Lloyd’s Register with LRQA no. JKA 1400071. For the past few years, Global SP has steadily evolved into crew manager with strong commitment to meet the expectation of all global clients. As a Marine and offshore manpower supplier, human capital is the top priority to be focused by ensuring Recruitment Procedures should be conducted properly and effectively to get the qualified and professional crew of any ranks to support our principal’s vessel operation globally.

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Phone Number
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Gd Perkantoran Yos Sudarso Megah, Block,A.10, Lt.2, Tg Priok, Jakarta Utara