PT. GPS Marine

PT. GPS Marine
Garda Perdana Marine - Crew Management was built by man [...]
Company details

Garda Perdana Marine - Crew Management was built by many experts in maritime industry with experiences for more decades We can convince our partner (Principal) for the best services ever since. As the time goes, Garda Perdana Marine Crew Management (GP Marine) grows continuously to prepare to global market demands. The renown of Garda Perdana Marine have echoed nationwide and around the world, becaouse the high standard quality of seafarers which have been deployed to all partners. Our company has been awarded the ISO 9001-2008 certification audited by JAS-ANZ Registered, which is automatically based on MLC 2006. Garda Perdana Marine Crew Management will deploy competent seafarers to ensure that all vessels are operated safely and efficiently in complying with the requirements of MLC 2006, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective contracts with and our seafarers and clients. As the requiments of ISO 9001-2008, we decide to focus continuously on improving our services through market research, customer feed back, internal audit and an approach which concentrates on non-conformance prevention rather than detection and an assurance that services fully comply with all relevant rules and regulations. Social Responsibility Garda Pedana Marine are fully aware with the responsibility towards all relevant national and international legal requirements for the indonesia seafarer. --Health, Safety, and Environment Health and safety of our client's vessel and environment, also for all seafarers is our top priority as we manage and perform all aspects in the whole activities. --We strive to achieve a goal to obtain : zero injuries, zero accidents, zero mistake.

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Jl. Cipuecang II No.13 Koja Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara