PT. INDO STAR SEJAHTERA IS made by seaman’s from Indone [...]
Company details

PT. INDO STAR SEJAHTERA IS made by seaman’s from Indonesia and International Seafarer Nations that we had so many experiences on this business about manning crew recruitment agent, we made agreement to have a representative in Indonesia by base strong organization. Faced with the continuously rising demand for global sea based manpower requirements, our company places premium on serving its clients with the highest degree of proficiency and professionalism. --This has taken place though the untiring efforts of experienced ex seafarers, with the purpose of initially supplying Indonesian crew to all types of vessel including luxury cruise vessels operated by International Principals worldwide. In addition PT. INDO STAR SEJAHTERA has recently expanded its activities to handle recruitment, selection of crew of barges etc in the offshore service. This special department is headed by an seafarers having a wide experience and contact in the industry. Thereby it can be assured that the service in this sector maybe guaranteed to be satisfactory. --The company’s main objective is focused on manning and supply of qualified seafarers to fill International Maritime Requirements. Our aim is to provide Ship owners and our clientele, experienced seafarers fully equipped with the individual’s field of expertise, and holding internationally required certificates. This ensures quality of service delivered to all our various clients. --The Company’s main objective is Focused Consulting, Recruitment, Training and Distributing of Indonesian seafarers primarily for cruise lines. Our aim is to provide Employer Manpower and our agency, experienced seafarers fully equipped with the individual’s field of expertise, and holding internationally certificates ( if required ). This ensures quality of service delivered to all of our various users and agencies. This has been taken place through the untiring efforts of Formal and Informal candidates with the purpose of initially supplying Indonesian Seafarers. Thereby it can be assured that the service in these sectors may be guaranteed to be satisfactory. --That is the reason why we have more than enough of Indonesian Seafarers. Our seafarers are not only experienced, well trained and certificated, while we will be supporting you in handling all official arrangements during mustering, selection and deployment etc. Moreover, our financial arrangements are competitive to be considered aiming to the benefit of all concerned. --The International World of seafarer Industry is always striving toward more profit on an economic base, which only leads to the reduction of cost. As costs are usually standardized, the only cost possible to be brought to reduction will be the employee’s cost. Reduction shall not mean reduction of quality. --The seafarers of the developing countries such as Indonesia seems to be the answer, in particular the employees we supply to our principals. They are internationally qualified and certificated which is for below the known internationally accepted standards. All other information is available and will be sent to you upon request. Do not hesitate to contact us and we guarantee that you will not be disappointed working in cooperation with us.

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Jl. Kebon Bawang IV no 12 Rt 009 Rw 008 Kel. Kebon Bawang Kec. Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara 14320 Indonesia