PT Lautan Cahaya Permata

PT Lautan Cahaya Permata
Pleased to introduce our company – PT LAUTAN CAHAYA PER [...]
Company details

Pleased to introduce our company – PT LAUTAN CAHAYA PERMATA - we are a --fully certified (IMO, ISO & MLC) to engage in recruiting well qualified, --experienced, professional and skilled Officers, Engineers & Rating of --(Indonesian& Indian & Turkish & egypt & Bangladesh &Ukraine) nationalities --to all kind international vessels. We have an extensive database of highly --selected, experienced and STCW 2010 certified seafarers for different --types of vessels which corresponding customer’s salary scales. --Our highly experienced management team consists of professionals in the --selection of seafarers for all types of vessels guarantying the best --service to meet your crew needs with of modern crewing services for ship --owners, the selection of Engineers, officers & Ratings.Through the years --our establishment has striven to achieve Total Client Satisfaction for the --services we provide. --RANK AVAILABILITY FOR ALL KIND VESSELS: --Master --Chief Officer --2nd Officer --3rd Officer --Radio Officer Chief Eng --2nd Eng --3rd Eng --4th Eng --E.T.O Deck Cadet --OS --AB --Bosun --Cook Engine Cadet butler --Fitter --Pump Man --Oiler --Mess Man --cabin steward --hotel cleaner --spa beauty and healty --waiter --bartender --Bar waiter/ss --Galley utylity --Please Visit our for more info about --our company & it would be an honor for us if you could give us an --opportunity to serve and have a fruitful cooperation with your good --company. --Looking forward to hearing from you. --Thank You Best Regards ROHMATULLAH MASHUR --PT LAUTAN CAHAYA PERMATA Your Sincere Partner in Crewing --IMO, MLC 2006, ISO, Commercial Reg. Certified --MAYANG SARI 1 B26 JAKARTA UTARA INDONESIA 14230 --Tele : +62122497890 --Mob : +6282261649988(international ) --Email [email protected] --Skype id :PT LAUTAN CAHAYA PERMATA

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jalan mayang sari raya 1 B26 – Koja Jakarta Utara (14230) Indonesia