PT Nurindo Maju Perkasa special supply of Indonesian Cr
Company details

PT Nurindo Maju Perkasa special supply of Indonesian Crews for Passenger Vessel, Container Ship, Cargo Ship, Bulk Carriers, Tanker Vessel, Offshore and Fishing Vessel. The Seamans in our database have experience in difference type of vessel including River Sea going vessels. A Fair knowledge of English language and they can necessary International Maritime Certificate. Our seamans work in the shipping companies around the world. Our Company providing a high quality and production of human resources it's one of the most important in the success of dompanies in order for value of principal demand, human resources play significant role to gain the competitive edge in this era globalization. The role of human resources development is become more important now. We are service oriented and people oriented crewing specialist, dedicated to offering each principal our full attention and the highest level of expertise while ensuring that all the other stakeholders are being cared for at the same time PT Nurindo Maju Perkasa is Certified in accordance with MLC 2006, ISO 9001 : 2015 Our Service Merchant Vessel: Bulk Carrier, Container, Tanker, General Cargo OFFSHORE VESSEL: Accomodation Barge, Work Boat, PSV, AHT/ AHTS, Tugboat PASSENGER CRUISE: Ocean and River FISHING VESSEL: Purse Seine, Squid, Trawl, Longline

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Phone Number
+62 819 0244 0911
Mobile Number
Jl. Gongseng Raya No.2-4 Cijantung, Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur 13770 INDONESIA