PT. Ocean Global Shipping

PT. Ocean Global Shipping
Company details

GLOBAL PUTRA INTERNATIONAL (GROUP) COMPANY Global Putra International (GPI) was founded in Jakarta in 1981 by Mr. Sumadi Kusuma and Mr. Sanny Mucshin with the vision: To provide the efficient integration of cargo transport system plying domestic and international routes. To become the top total logistic provider in the region From its humble beginnings at GPI, the company has grown, expanded and diversified into related service area, to what is new GPI Group. The formation of the GPI Group is a milestone of success in providing the most complete and integrated logistic service supported by first-class air, sea and ground as well as innovative systems. Today, GPI Group has a team of more than 1,700 dedicated and experienced staff working in more than 20 office locations spread throughout Indonesia and overseas and covering more than a 1000 service location throughout the world supported by sophisticated information technology/systems and world class partners.

Email Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
(62-21) 3810338, 3810789, 3866028
Mobile Number
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 3 No 23 C-D-E Jakarta 10120