PT. Wintermar Offshore Marine, Tbk.

PT. Wintermar Offshore Marine, Tbk.
Wintermar Offshore Marine specializes in ship managemen [...]
Company details

Wintermar Offshore Marine specializes in ship management and ship owning, focusing on serving the offshore marine industry. We began in Indonesia on September 24, 1970 as a tug and barge operator, and have since transformed into a business providing a wide range of vessels: tug boats, oil barges, landing crafts, crew boats, fast utility vessels, anchor handling tugs, diving support vessels, harbour tugs, platform supply vessels, and more. --Our company’s high standards are upheld through international certifications, such as the International Safety Management (ISM) certification by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI). We are also ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified, and are committed to continual improvement of processes. Wintermar Offshore Marine has evolved through the decades and will continue to adapt to the changing times and trends. Key areas we will be focusing on are maintaining a young, high-value fleet and continually offering innovative vessel solutions that provide our clients with both increased efficiency and cost effectiveness in their operations. An aggressive fleet expansion plan aims to build a wide range of specialised offshore vessels under the Indonesian flag, highlighting Wintermar’s constant focus on fleet rejuvenation, while our latest acquisitions, the first two Indonesian-flagged Platform Supply Vessels with advanced dynamic positioning systems (DPS), are earning Wintermar Offshore Marine a first-mover advantage within the marketplace. With the shipping industry forming one of the key backbones of the Indonesian economy, and current government policies that promote the growth of national shipping companies, demand for marine services in the energy sector is expected to grow exponentially. Coupled with our young, innovative fleet and strong pipeline of new vessels presently being built, Wintermar Offshore Marine is well-positioned to capitalize on industry trends and grow ahead of competition. Message of the President Director Indonesia is a dynamic place to do business. Wintermar Offshore Marine holds immense potential for growth in this large archipelago, which is well underpinned by Indonesia’s strong economic growth along with governmental moves to increase oil production and promote the domestic shipping sector. As an experienced, professionally-managed company, Wintermar Offshore Marine is poised to capitalize on the developing economic environment and increasingly strong demand for offshore support services in Indonesia. Vision and professionalism are perhaps why Wintermar Offshore Marine has successfully earned numerous contracts from major players in the oil industry. We fully understand that in complex operations, each component must stand on its own. And by understanding the needs of our clients and providing flexible marine solutions, Wintermar Offshore Marine has also gained the trust of our multinational client base. Indonesia’s new cabotage law, effective January 2011, combined with the increased activity in offshore exploration and production, have stimulated an expansion of Wintermar Offshore Marine’s operations. Our fleet has grown to over 60 vessels, with more on order. With our young and technologically sophisticated fleet, developed use of IT to interface our onshore and offshore operations, and an experienced management team with depth of marine expertise, we are poised to claim higher market share as an Indonesian company operating to international standards. In creating and providing quality marine support services, Wintermar Offshore Marine operates with an all-encompassing principle of integrity. We believe in the importance of integrity in People, Vessels and Services: Integrity in People relates to strict compliance to QHSE standards and an ethical code, Integrity in our Fleet is evidenced by a well-maintained and unimpaired fleet, while Integrity in our Services is attained through working together as a united team across all divisions to deliver client satisfaction. This is what sets us apart—our promise of delivering quality results with integrity. As we continue on our path of growth and innovation, fulfilling the expectations of clients, employees, suppliers, investors and indeed, of the people of Indonesia, we will persist in our vision of becoming the leading operator of marine vessels within the South East Asian region.

Website Address
Phone Number
(62) 21 530 52 01; (62) 21 530 52 02
Mobile Number
Jl. Kebayoran Lama No. 155, Jakarta Barat 11560, Indonesia