RMS Schiffahrtskontor Bremen GmbH

The company was founded as Messrs. See- und Flu?-Transp[…]
Company details

The company was founded as Messrs. See- und Flu?-Transport GmbH (SFT) in Bremen on February 3rd, 1959. The company's main purpose was ship broking and stevedoring as well as related services.----On May 18th, 1961 Messrs. Rhein-, Maas- und See-Schiffahrtskontor GmbH in Duisburg took over all shares. The name of the company, however, remained unchanged.----In September 1980, the name of the company was changed to RMS Schiffahrtskontor Bremen GmbH and the well known logo "RMS" has also been used by our company since.

Website Address
Phone Number
+49 421 34960-0; +49 421 341010
Mobile Number
Lloydstrasse 4, 28217 Bremen, Germany