Rona Pratama Citra Abadi, PT

Rona Pratama Citra Abadi, PT
Our CORE business is to supply a crew for International Flag Cargo Vessels, Passenger’s Vessel, Supply’s vessel, Tug Boat, Crew’s Boat, Container, Bulk Carrier and Fishing Vessels.
Company details


Our CORE business is to supply a crew for International Flag Cargo Vessels, Passenger’s Vessel, Supply’s vessel, Tug Boat, Crew’s Boat, Container, Bulk Carrier and Fishing Vessels.

Our main reason we started this business is that we believe we can do better then the other. We can reduce your cost on your recruitment, documentation, training and deployment. Furthermore, with the experience that we have for more than ten year is one of our power in the business.

It is our duty to deal with people whom are having difference ambitions, background and cultures in accordance to your requirements.

Every successful ship owners, operators, and its management depend upon competency of the crew, staff and personnel with proper skill and matching experience.

With more than sufficient management experience, we assure you of our strength and able to customize your manning needs based on your specific requirements.

We at PT. Rona Pratama Citra Abadi bring in such requirement while compile a team of crew members and prepare them for challenges of the assignment to produces desired result for our principal.

Phone Number
62 21 4353888
JL Kom L Yos Sudarso I BIok B, No. 9, RT.9/RW.11, Sunter Jaya, Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14360, Indonesia
ZIP Code


  1. Selamat siang bpk/ibu di tempat
    Saya otman profesi perkerjaan sebagai pelaut, di sini saya mau bertanya, apa di perusahaan bpk/ibu pimpin memiliki lowongan kerja kapal baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri..?

  2. Assalamu alaikum …selamat pagi ibu/bapak …adakah lowongan untuk pelaut Rating posisi OS ..sekian &terima kasih


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