Roshan Chirag Marine Career

Roshan Chirag Marine Career & Counseling Center is prov[…]
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Roshan Chirag Marine Career & Counseling Center is providing good knowledge and placement in India and other Countries. Academy is providing full knowledge, personality development, physical training, english speaking etc. Academy is approved by UP government with Registration No: 4688 / UP / V- 40606 / RSWMA. The Academy is ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified. Roshan Chirag Marine Career & Counseling Center is with prime objective of to provider career counseling & admission guidance in almost all marine professional courses throughout India. Also the objective is to be clear that what the candidates want and to let them know various aspects of marine education and rank performance.Candidate are choosing marine related career include a love of marine environment, a respect for the way the ocean works, and a sense of curiosity. There are countless possibilities for a marine related career: Marine Educator, Beach Superintendent, Maritime or Environment Layers, Coastal and Ocean Policy Expert, Manager of an agency specializing in marine or freshwater issue, Marine Manager, Ship's Captain or Mate, Environmental Planner, Manager of land conservation organisation or land trust, Hatchery Specialist, Ship Crew, Ship yard worker and so on.Due to increase the number of marine professional courses and Institute day to day plus their location in the length & breadth of the country, it is not feasible for candidates to visit each college to know the exact status regarding the institution and course.----The Academy was established to provide courses and programs of the highest quality to meet the International Requirements. The Academy has a pool of qualified Faculty members with extensive maritime experience as well as high academic qualifications. The Global networks projects the academy as as international player and major contributor to the maritime education and Training World.----Introduction of Candidate We meet, I learn about you, your background, experiences, education, goals, concerns, etc. I explain the career counseling process, answer your questions, and you decide if you want to continue.----Gathering Information Candidate In this stage, I can help you learn more about your abilities, interests, personality type and values. Here is some more information.--Abilities/Skills: A skills inventory will help to identify your skills, including transferable skills, and your preferences in using certain skills and certain combinations of skills in the future. Many people underestimate or overestimate their skills; we will clarify these misconceptions. The concept of transferable skills is extremely important, and I will work with you in this area as well.--Values: What life and work-related values do you hold in the highest regard? One of the most common reasons for job or career dissatisfaction is a dissonance between a person's values and his or her job. In other words, your goal should be to be able to realize or fulfill your most important values, at least to a reasonable degree, in your work. A values inventory will help to identify your most important values. Values are unique to each individual and typically change over time; therefore, values clarification is an ongoing process throughout your life and career.----Interests: A career interest inventory assesses your interests, and preferences in your interests, and compares the results to occupations that may be suitable for you. A career interest inventory helps you gain the knowledge needed to discover potential careers and occupations that best match the characteristics of your preferred interests. You may complete John Holland's Self-Directed Search, or for more detailed information, the Strong Interest Inventory.----Personality Type: A personality inventory surveys your personality traits, and personal work, leadership and communication styles, providing you with valuable insight. As with interests, results are compared with people who have similar personality types and are satisfied in their careers, in order to provide you with potential career directions. You may complete the MBTI, or Myers Briggs Type Indicator.

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S 18/2- AF,1/8,1st floor Imlak Colony, Nadesar Varanasi, U.P. 221002