Ross Offshore

Ross Offshore
Ross Offshore offers premium quality project management[…]
Company details

Ross Offshore offers premium quality project management and consultancy to the upstream oil & gas industry.--A Supplier of Quality, Safety and Competence--Ross Offshore offers seasoned personnel with up-to-date technical skills and in-depth knowledge in their fields. Working closely with our clients, we use our market knowledge and extensive consultant network to find the best-qualified staff to meet our clients' recruitment needs.--Our Mission is to provide clients with effectiveness and efficiency beyond their internal capacity.--Our Vision is to become a market-leading service provider on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.--Core Values--Safe - We carry out all our work with a zero mindset philosophy. We plan and execute all processes without compromising safety. Our company management seeks to create a safe, caring and motivational working environment.--Accountable - We are a dedicated supplier, demonstrating responsibility for and ownership of all services. We operate ethically with the correct attitude.--Management supports employees and consultants with guidance and respect.--Competent - We deliver our services in compliance with professional standards, and constantly strive to broaden our competence. Management focuses on competence enhancement for career development.--Creative - We are at the forefront of finding creative solutions to new or existing challenges. We strive for safe and efficient solutions. Management creates a multidisciplinary work culture with focus on "development for the future."--Drilling & Well--Offers total well management services from recommendation to drill to the final well report.--Late Life Operation--Offers experienced engineering and supervisory resources.--Subsurface--Products and services within Exploration, Reservoir Management, Production technology and Aquisition & Divestment support.--Operations--Offers M&L as a stand-alone service and caters to all your well management needs.--HSEQ--Offers competent personnel with extensive experience in planning, executing & managing HSEQ & Risk projects.--Consultancy--Offers seasoned professionals within drilling and well services, HSE, subsea, reservoir, production and G&G.--Through our employees and consultants, we have access to an extensive competence base within most areas related to the E&P industry.--High quality and cost effective solutions--Through our employees and consultants, we have access to an extensive competence base within most areas related to the E&P industry. Ross Offshore is a provider of total well management, resource management and reservoir management - including carbon storage. We also assist clients with supply chain management, including marine operations. Our goal is to provide the highest quality and most cost effective solutions to meet your objectives.--We are constantly developing new support models to fit the changing needs of our clients. We believe in creative structuring to maximize utilization of the scarce resources in the industry. The ability to change is key to our success, but we will always be committed to:-- --RISK MANAGEMENT - VALUE CREATION - COMPETENCE--We are continually expanding our already strong team. We are currently looking for experienced candidates.

Email Address
Phone Number
+47 92 88 14 07
Postboks 45, 4001 Stavanger