Royalmar Shipping & Ship Management LTD

Royalmar Shipping & Ship Management LTD
RoyalMar which is aimed at being leader in Ship Managem[…]
Company details

RoyalMar which is aimed at being leader in Ship Management Sector was founded as a Ship Management Company in 2005 / Istanbul.----As a RoyalMar, we adopted gradual growth as principle and today succeeded being the most serious and biggest company main specialization of us is Ship Management.----In addition to this, we are a company which succeeded on other compound and complementary services of Ship Management.----As a ship-owner, we are guarding the interests of our customers by courtesy of looking as a ship-owner. Also, RoyalMar focused on giving the best services its ship-owners/customers.----Our objectives are to maintain and improve the quality of our services through the execution of safe, environmentally sound and economical ship operations.

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Phone Number
+90 (216) 470 11 00
Barboros Mahallesi Dogu Sokak No:12 Mete Is Merkezi 34746 Yenisahra / Atasehir / ISTANBUL / TURKEY