SBM is a leading company in marine industries planning to provide high quality services in the field of shipping and allied activities. sbm willing to provides services as crew manning Co. for a number of well known companies all over the world We are committed to provide our Principals with seafarers possessing the highest level of competence and professionalism which we shall endeavor to achieve by providing a career path through continuous education and training.----We are totally agreed of the fact that our crew and office team are our most important resources and we are committed to their total personal and professional growth.--We adhere to the highest ethical standards in conducting our business activities which is the foundation of genuine personal and professional growth.----Mission and Vision-- Core Values----In line with our mission, our core values shall be anchored on the following:-- Hard work-- Integrity-- Professionalism----We believe that our task goes far beyond a mission and more far reaching and potent than a vision. Ours is a CAUSE, which is aimed towards our crews total personal and professional growth that will enable them to confidently range themselves in the same breed as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. and be proud to be a Indian Seafarer.----The overall performance of SBM is dependent on dedicated and highly-skilled employee, including seafaring personnel and the share-based management and staff it is important to us that our people are aligned to ensure the company goal objective mission and vision.----Our working process--Effective screening of seafarers--Access to a large pool of seafarers; with a wide range of experience on all vessel types The ability to create pools of seafarers for specific owners and vessel types SBM is planning to play a vital role to source seafarers to good overseas company in effectively sourcing competent and able seafaring officers for their fleet of Vessels. SBM, through his exhaustive database would be able to identify and provide the approriate officers and crew in a short period of time.----Our Company Objectives----To provide a quality assured ship management service to ship owners, always in accordance with the customers requirements.--To operate ships in full compliance with all recognized international, I.M.O. and applicable national regulations.--To operate ships, keeping the safety of the crew, vessel, its cargo and protection of the environment as the top priorities.--To operate ships in compliance with classification and flag state rules, and apply recognized industry standards as appropriate.--To be ready at all times for emergencies and to establish safeguards against all identified risks.--To be recognized as a highly responsible ship management company, aiming to remain at the forefront of all aspects of technology concerned with ship management, and continuously attempt to improve Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality Management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships.--To endeavor to continuously improve customer service.
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SBM Marine Services pvt ltd
SBM is a leading company in marine industries planning [
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