Schlussel Reederei KG (GmbH & Company)

Schlussel Reederei KG (GmbH & Company)
Opening up new horizons, gaining a lead - Schl?ssel Ree[…]
Company details

Opening up new horizons, gaining a lead - Schl?ssel Reederei delivers the right performance for investors, charterers, crews and cadets. With a wide range of services, combined with highest quality and safety standards and cost-efficient solutions extending far beyond ship managements as such. Every day of the year. On every ocean and market in the world.----Since February 2015, Schl?ssel Reederei KG (GmbH & Co.). has been led by Thomas Meier-Hedde and Thorsten Thronicke.----Financial know-how and technical understanding combined with the Hanseatic values of reliability and precision are the cornerstones which make our shipping company a reliable partner.----Quality shipboard operations depend on top shipboard staff. For this reason, our shipping company invests considerable time and know-how into the goals-based composition, deployment scheduling and further training of our international crews and in fostering the next generation of mariners.----We are cooperating with very experienced specialists: the crewing agency Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, mainly their offices in Hamburg/Germany and Limassol/Cyprus, is following our guidelines and coordinate with us the sufficient and qualified manning of our vessels, i.e. they take care of and provide:----Support for a 270-strong, regular workforce comprising captains, ship's officers and crews.--Advanced training for senior officers--Initial and further training of our personnel on land and at sea, in collaboration with specialist training bodies both in Germany and abroad--Training as deck cadet in our company.--Practical term for nautical students on one of our ships.

Email Address
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Phone Number
+49 421 17 56 40
Mobile Number
Am Wall 58-60, 28195 Bremen, Germany