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PT.Scorpa Pranedya is a shipping company specializing in the transportation of oil and gas cargoes. Our vessels are able to trade South East Asia in a multitude of trade routes carrying a wide range of cargoes covering a number of industries.
PT. Scorpa Pranedya’s aim is to become one of the leading shipping company in Indonesia as well as in Southeast Asia.
After Ir Bambang Surjo Sunindar passed away in 1995, the command of business was taken by his wife Ms. Nadia Krasna Anna Sunindar.
Vision & Mission
Vision : To be one of the leading shipping company in Indonesia
Mission : To deliver a reliable service in sea transportation, ship management, ship brokerage, ship agency and manning agent.
Safety, service and quality is our aim.
We don’t have a SUPERMAN but we have a SUPERTEAM
Development of existing shipping business by enhancing the management quality and its human resource, to be able to compete in the sea transportation business.
Run ship-brokerage business by building business network with ship owners, ship management and user of sea transportation.
Expanding manning agent business and retain existing Principles.
Enhancing professionalism in human resources through proper training modules.
“The right man at the right place” within the organization according to their qualification and competence to carry out their duty & accountability towards their role.
IT development towards applied management of information system to create a better work coordination within the company.
Work as a team.