Sea Pioneer Shipping Corporation

Company details

SEA PIONEER SHIPPING CORPORATION----The Top Management is committed to actively participate in the implementation of the Company's Management System and to provide the necessary conditions and resources to improve the Health, Safety and Environmental performance with final destination the Excellence.----The Company promotes the concept of Safety and Environmental excellence and expects all employees from the Top Management to every seafarer serving onboard to participate in the effort to achieve and sustain long-term improvements.----The Company, at all levels, onboard and ashore is committed to:----- Operate within all international and local statutory requirements, classification rules and any other convention pertaining to Health, Safety & Environment----- Promote and enhance the prevention of human injury or loss of life, the welfare of employees and the avoidance of any adverse impact on the environment, including property----- Ensure that its organisation can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situations----- Ensure that its policy is understood, accepted & implemented by all employees, onboard and ashore and actively promoted through leadership----Experience from the past and the present is used as the basis for the foundation of a pioneer Company in all aspects and mostly in the Safety, Health, Environmental & Energy Efficiency domain. During all these years in the maritime field, the Company has reached the conclusion that the same factors which are creating accidents are also creating operational losses as well as cost problems.----Learning from our experience is vital.----For this reason the Company's Safety Management System is continuously improved via implementation of the new regulations, vessel's staff proposals, near misses, internal audits, inspections, management reviews and lessons learnt so as to upgrade the less operational parts of this system. The cornerstone of the Company's mentality is the safety culture, the safe operation of all managed vessels, the environment protection and the energy efficiency.----The Company has set the following objectives:----- To protect all personnel from injuries and damage to health- zero incidents----- To undertake all duties safely, to protect the environment and operate in an energy efficiency context- zero spills----- To maintain the highest technical, operational, health, safety & environmental friendly standards for our vessels----- To comply with applicable international rules, regulations and requirements----- To adopt a proactive mentality by investigating thoroughly all accidents & incidents occurred onboard managed vessels in order to locate the root cause and by taking all required corrective and preventive actions----- To motivate its employees onboard and ashore and to inject a safety culture through continuous training onboard and ashore----In order to meet these objectives, the company has developed and implements a Management System, which:----- Meets all international regulation requirements----- Is based on transparency----- Aims at the motivation of all Company (vessels & Office) staff----- Springs from the systematic accident and incident investigation and analysis. Best practices & lessons learnt are tools of paramount importance----All Company employees, shore based and sea going, are responsible for implementing the company's Health, Safety and Environmental Protection Policy and for contributing to its continuous improvement.--The Company’s Management is responsible for monitoring and reviewing this Policy at regular intervals in order to ensure that it remains always operational and effective and that it is fully adhered by all persons involved.

Email Address
Phone Number
0030 210 6811574
Mobile Number
7th Floor Bacolitsas Building 284, Kifisias Ave. 152 32 Halandri