Secure a Ship Ltd United Kingdom

Secure a Ship Ltd United Kingdom
Secure a Ship Ltd provides maritime security solutions […]
Company details

Secure a Ship Ltd provides maritime security solutions in the designated High Risk Areas throughout the Gulf of Aden, East and West African coastlines, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Oman and the Red Sea.----WE HAVE EXPERIENCE IN WEST AFRICA----We can provide a range of security related services including: Armed security teams, security management, risk assessments and analysis, security surveys and maritime security training.--We offer a tiered security provision so clients can choose exactly the right team to suit their needs.----• Panama, Cyprus & Luxembourg accredited--• ISO 28007, 18001, 14001 & 9001 certified--• Level 1 Certified Member of SAMI--• Tier 1 Exxon certified--• Members of Security in Complex Environments Group (SCEG) of ADS--• Signatories of the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies (ICoC)--• CATLIN Certified--• 24/7 Operations Room--• Fully licensed by the UK Government--• 60+ transits per month--• British or International Teams available----SECURE A SHIP complies with all relevant laws and Codes of Practice:----UK’s Open General Trade Control Licence (anti-Piracy)--International Code of Conduct for Private Security Services Providers (ICOC-PSSP)--The Voluntary Principles--The United Nation’s Basic Principles on the Use of Force & Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials (1990).--International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies--Montreux Document--International Maritime Law--National Territorial Maritime Laws--The laws of Flag and Coastal States--All our services are delivered in accordance with the International Shipping and Ports Security Code (ISPS) and the 4th edition of Best Management Practices (BMP4).----Our teams are hand picked for their Military experience and expertise gained working in Maritime Security; they are fully qualified to meet IMO standards and are all fully accredited by the Panama & Cyprus Maritime Authorities.----We offer a cost effective solution across a wide spectrum of Maritime services and can be on task within 18hrs.----Other services include Super yacht protection, threat analysis and intelligence.

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Phone Number
+44 (0)1295 254252; +44 (0)7834 525643
South Court – Hardwick Business Park Noral Way, Banbury, OX16 2AF